Our Services

Specializing in track suspension setups for the racer or track day enthusiasts, race car fabrication from sheet metal to fully spec’d roll cages.

Race Car Fabrication

Race car fabrication is the process of designing, engineering, and constructing custom vehicles specifically tailored for competitive racing. This intricate process involves the fabrication of various components such as chassis, bodywork, suspension systems, and safety features to meet the demands of high-performance racing. Our skilled fabricators utilize advanced materials like carbon fiber, aluminum, and titanium, along with precision machining and welding techniques, to create lightweight yet durable structures optimized for speed, agility, and safety on the track. Attention to detail and adherence to strict regulations are paramount in race car fabrication to ensure optimal performance and compliance with racing standards.

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Tire Testing

Tire testing involves evaluating the performance, durability, and safety of tires specifically designed for use in high-speed racing environments. Testing takes place under controlled conditions on the racetrack. Key aspects of race car tire testing include: material and construction analysis, safety testing and performance optimization. Race car tire testing plays a crucial role in developing high-performance tires that meet the demanding requirements of competitive racing, ensuring both driver safety and optimal performance on the track.

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Maintain Race Car

We refer to this as Arrive and Drive Services. We will maintain your race car which will involve inspection, repair, and optimization to ensure peak performance and safety on the track. These includes regular checks of the engine, transmission, brakes, suspension, and other critical components to identify wear, damage, or potential issues. Other tasks will include fluid changes, tire rotations, alignment adjustments, and aerodynamic enhancements. 

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Race car alignment is a critical aspect of optimizing a vehicle's performance on the track. Alignment refers to the adjustment of various angles and settings in a car's suspension system to ensure that the tires make proper contact with the road surface. This process is essential for achieving optimal handling, stability, and tire wear during high-speed racing.

Key elements of race car alignment include: Toe Angle, Camber Angle, Caster Angle, Thrust Angle, Ride Height and Suspension Geometry.

Race car alignment is a dynamic process that requires careful consideration of the specific racing conditions, track characteristics, and the driver's preferences. Professional racing teams often utilize advanced alignment tools and conduct extensive testing to fine-tune these settings for optimal performance, ensuring that the race car handles predictably and efficiently on the demanding race track.

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Chassis Fabrication

Race car chassis fabrication is the intricate and specialized process of designing and constructing the structural framework that forms the backbone of a high-performance racing vehicle. The chassis serves as the foundation for the entire race car, providing the necessary strength, rigidity, and support to withstand the extreme forces encountered on the track.

Fabricating a race car chassis involves a combination of experts resources, precision machining, and advanced materials to achieve optimal performance. Materials, often lightweight yet durable metals like aluminum or chromoly steel are selected. These materials are chosen to strike a balance between strength and weight, essential for enhancing the car's speed and handling capabilities.

Our skilled fabricators employ cutting-edge techniques like laser cutting, CNC machining, and tube bending to shape the raw materials into the desired form. Welding plays a crucial role in chassis fabrication, demanding precision and skill to create strong, seamless joints that can withstand the intense forces experienced during high-speed racing.

Chassis fabrication also involves integrating various components, such as the suspension system, roll cage, and mounting points for the engine and transmission. The goal is to create a cohesive and well-balanced structure that maximizes the car's handling capabilities, stability, and overall performance.

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Roll Cage Fabrication

Race car roll fabrication is a specialized and meticulous process aimed at creating a robust and safety-centric roll cage structure for high-performance racing vehicles. This intricate fabrication involves the skilled assembly of a framework that envelops the driver, providing unparalleled protection in the event of a rollover or collision.

Crafted from high-strength materials such as chromoly steel or titanium, the roll cage is strategically designed to enhance the structural integrity of the race car without compromising its overall performance. Precision is paramount in race car roll fabrication, as each component is meticulously measured, cut, and welded to exact specifications.

The fabrication process typically begins with a comprehensive analysis of the racing regulations and safety standards specific to the competition series. This ensures that the resulting roll cage not only meets but often exceeds the required safety standards, offering drivers maximum protection on the track.

Race car roll fabrication is a specialized and intricate process that combines engineering expertise, precision craftsmanship, and adherence to safety standards. The resulting roll cage not only serves as a critical safety feature for the driver but also contributes to the overall performance and competitiveness of the racing vehicle.

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Corner Balance and Vehicle Setup

Achieving optimal performance on the racetrack is an art form that extends beyond horsepower and aerodynamics. At the heart of every successful race car setup lies the meticulous practice of Corner Balancing and Vehicle Setup. This process involves fine-tuning the distribution of weight and adjusting various components to create a harmonious synergy between power, handling, and control.

Corner Balancing is a critical aspect of race car dynamics, focusing on distributing weight across all four tires to maximize grip and stability through turns. This precision-oriented technique ensures that each tire bears its fair share of the vehicle's load, promoting uniform traction and reducing the likelihood of understeer or oversteer. Expertly executed Corner Balancing enhances cornering capabilities, allowing drivers to navigate the track with unparalleled confidence and agility.

The vehicle setup, encompassing suspension tuning, alignment adjustments, and fine-tuning of shock absorbers, plays a pivotal role in the overall performance of a race car. Engineers and mechanics meticulously analyze data, taking into account factors such as track conditions, driver preferences, and the specific demands of the racing circuit. The goal is to strike the perfect balance between responsiveness, stability, and adaptability, creating a tailored setup that caters to the unique characteristics of each race car.

The synergy between Corner Balancing and Vehicle Setup is a process where minute adjustments can make a monumental difference in lap times and overall competitiveness. The ability to fine-tune a race car to its absolute peak, extracting every ounce of performance while maintaining optimal balance and control is essential.

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